Boston Pond a local favorite

Boston Pond Nature Area

Boston Pond Nature Area is a family-friendly roadside park located directly off of highway US-41, west of the Houghton County Airport.

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Churning Rapids a local favorite

Churning Rapids Conservation Easement

Churning Rapids provides an exceptional opportunity for the public to explore biologically diverse forest all year round. This property is connected to the Maasto Hiihto trail system and has numerous opportunities for non-motorized recreation.

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waterfalls gushing with white frothy water

Hungarian Falls Nature Area

A prized recreational rustic site located in the heart of the Keweenaw, Hungarian Falls is one of the most visited destinations for both tourists and local residents. There are few fences or barriers. Please consider your risk when viewing and enjoying the Falls.

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lightfoot cabin in foreground with Lightfoot Bay in background

Lightfoot Bay Cooperative Coastal Wetlands Nature Area

The Lightfoot Bay Nature Area project was developed to protect unique Great Lakes coastal wetland and shoreline habitats that contribute to the overall health of Huron Bay and its diverse fishery.

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A trail sign in foreground and two people hiking in background

Marsin Nature Retreat

Marsin Nature Retreat is now a welcome place for organizations, groups, families, and individuals in search of a place to gather and enjoy the our local landscape. Reservations are accepted for daytime and overnight stays. Internet and cell service is spotty at Marsin. Contact to make a reservation.

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person looking out over a frozen lake in winter twilight

Paavola Wetlands Nature Area

Close to Hancock on US-41, this old Paavola farmsted offers views of a scenic beaver pond from trails suitable to visitors of all ages and accessibility.

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the beautiful Pilgrim river flowing in summer glory

Pilgrim Community Forest

A community forest right on the doorstep of Houghton - managed for the benefit of the community!

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long bedrock shoreline curving toward point sticking out on Lake Superior

Point of View

Dramatic rock ledges, low bluffs, and coastal wetlands are showcased on this unique property with 1,800 feet of Lake Superior shoreline along Keweenaw Bay.

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